October 7, 2010

The Space Available Saga

Hello hello hello.
So. Sorry I didn't update on my packing activities as promised,  but here's a recap-

To me, packing may be quite possibly the most unpleasant part of this trip. Who really wants to spend time deciding what they can live without if absolutely necessary for 2 months? Luckily, I snagged some awesome vacuum-sealy-thingy bags that allowed me to pack enough clothes to assuage my fear of packing only in a carry-on suitcase. I managed to fit everything (minus my yoga mat - SAD DAY) into the suitcase and my giant Vera Bradley tote (pictures to follow once I track down a USB cord). No one in their right mind would actually consider that enormous tote a purse, except for the airlines, so lucky me! So yay, I now have the awesome task of lugging 70ish pounds of carry-on luggage through four airports for three days of travel. Not that I'm actually complaining, because having my bags with me is majorly awesome right about now. Let me tell you why.

For those of you who are not aware, I have the usually super, but sometimes not-so-fantastic ability to fly stand-by because my lovely mother works for United. Leaving home today, full of hope and optimism, I got the very last seat on the United flight from Denver to Atlanta, where I was then supposed to catch a 15 hour flight to Johannesburg. Stepping off the first leg of my journey, I was riding the standby-high. I got to my next gate stationed myself right in front of the agent counter, like a puppy waiting to be picked up and taken home. As boarding started, I started to get anxious. There were SO MANY PEOPLE. Let me tell you, though flying standby is way cheaper than purchasing an actual ticket, the psychological anguish it causes can be enough to make you want to buy two tickets in order to be doubly sure you can get on a plane. Basically, long (and otherwise uneventful) story short, I sat and tried to use deep yoga breathing to keep me from bursting into tears as they gave the last seat away to the woman who was one space ahead of me on the standby list. ARRRGH! Seriously? Seriously.

After calling the mamasita in tears, I composed myself... ish. Went to the ticket counter, rebooked for the next flight to Joburg, and headed to a hotel in Atlanta, where I sit now- with all my belongings.  Had I checked a bag, it would be in South Africa, and I would be wearing the same thing for at least three days straight - gross. But anyways, while I wait for my next space-available adventure to begin, I'm going to check out this great looking restaurant called The Flying Biscuit (www.flyingbiscuit.com) and get me some southern grits and fried green tomatoes. Om nom nom. I guess there is something to be said for blessings in disguise :)

Stay tuned, hopefully my next post will actually be from South Africa.

Love love love to you all,


1 comment:

  1. Flying Biscuit was one of my favorite brunch spots in Atlanta, enjoy!
